Sliderule Product Team

Release 2.25.0

AUTHOR: Sliderule Product Team

New Features:

  • Percentage Rollout of Rules - You can now gradually roll out rules to a percentage of your users or transactions, and monitor performance before fully committing. Learn more here

  • Search Screen - You can now search across all your workflows, rules, rulesets, and transformation blocks by name or data field (this feature is currently in beta)

  • Mocking API for Testing Complex Workflows - New API endpoint lets you mock datasource responses, to help test complex workflows. Learn more here (this feature is currently in beta)


  • Notes for Folders & Workflows - you can now leave descriptions on your workflows and folders, for easier collaboration with your teammates. Learn more here

  • Reorganized Sidebar - it's easier to find the most commonly used tabs in the left-hand sidebar now. Less frequently used tabs (Templates, Webhooks, Credentials) can now be found inside the Configuration section of the sidebar.

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